We finally have the interwebs!

Hi there Internets,

We finally have proper internet, not the stupid Wireless USB crappy one where it slows down ridiculously at peak times (when I needed to use it most) and wont let me look at pretty much anything that I want to look at.

So now we have Interwebs connected, and I figured I’d use it as a chance to actually give this blogging thing a proper go. Judging by my recent Facebook posts, this is likely to turn out to be a cooking blog. Also crafty things. And probably some gaming posts as well.

so to start it off, Look what I made yesterday! We have been having some craft days and I decided it was high time that I made myself a project bag. Just wanted a basic one. And I had some nice materials – a bright red and a white with red strawberries print which I brought a while back and left in my sewing room, waiting for a project to come to mind.
So this happened!

Om Nom Nom Nom strawberries

Strawberry project bag

I quite like how it turned out… nice and bright, Big enough to carry my cutting mat, with long straps, and lined with the awesome strawberry print.

Also, having been told of a very interesting website with lots of crafty things for sale, I have ordered tha couple of mini Fairy cross stitch kits, just as a starter project. I tried to link them on this post but I couldn’t get it to work, apparently.Anyway, I think they will be a nice addition to my sewing room.